Installation & Care


Clear the site

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.

Prep the soil

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.

Install sod

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.



Water daily or more often on hot days, keeping sod moist until it is firmly rooted.


Water to supplement rainfall shortages only. Avoid fixed timer irrigation settings.


Weather conditions will dictate the amount and frequency of watering.


Water areas on mounds and berms and near buildings more often.

Check out our full step-by-step instructions on sod installation.

Why Sod?

Sod will increase your curb appeal and the value of your home or business.

Sod is an inexpensive and reliable way to prevent erosion and protect the soil from sediment loss.

Lawns trap 12 million tons per year of dirt and dust and absorb global warming gasses, such as carbon dioxide.

Request An Quote

    I am inquiring about sod for my

    My first choice for my lawn grass would be:

    My second choice for my lawn grass would be:

    The space I am trying to cover is:
    Less than 10001000 - 50005000 - 1000010000 - 20000over 20000

    I have an underground irrigation system

    My yard has primarily:*
    ShadeSome sun & shadeAll sun

    Please recommend a grass variety*

    For installation, I plan to:*
    Do it myselfHire a professional