
Prime Sod for Homeowners

We are here to help you bring your yard to life! We now provide you with an online shop where you can order, receive, and install your sod efficiently. Need help installing your sod, we can do that too!

Not sure how much sod you need?
Check out our interactive calculator.


Clear the site

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.

Prep the soil

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.

Install sod

Remove any and all debris, including rocks and sticks.



Water daily or more often on hot days, keeping sod moist until it is firmly rooted.


Water to supplement rainfall shortages only. Avoid fixed timer irrigation settings.


Weather conditions will dictate the amount and frequency of watering.


Water areas on mounds and berms and near buildings more often.

Where The Grass is Greener

We offer several varieties of sod to suit your needs. Comparisons can be made by shade performance, drought resistance, traffic tolerance, fertilization needs, disease resistance, and mowing frequency.

Delivery Available